
So this is what it feels like to be a bleary-eyed medical student

Since about 1:30 pm this afternoon my eyes have been screaming, "Andrew! Stop doing all this schoolwork. You are sleepy. Lay down right now and just don't worry about all this schoolwork nonsense." Now I finally get a chance to do just that (ten hours later).


Brittany Anne said...

i love the feeling of laying down when you're really really tired.

Brittany Anne said...

i hate the feeling of being really really tired and not being able to yet lay your head down.

Laurel said...

This is going to be such a great record of your first impressions of medical school. What a great idea to write about it all as you go along.
Keep it up.
Miss you!

Laulau said...

From my patient education textbook:
"In almost every class, you will have a sleeper. Do not let this worry you. Just let the person sleep- he or she is probably tired. It has nothing to do with your presentation. If more than 25% of the class is sleeping, then you might be the problem. However, if the class is made up of medical students or doctors, even a 50% sleep rate is acceptable."

Laulau said...

This was Emily, btw.

Andrew said...

That is really funny Emily. I think the trick is to tell the medical students that the material presented will be fair game for exams. Actually even then, it can be hard. I know some people who, when they are tired in class try to count the number of students nodding off as a way to wake up.