
Back To School

Oh, it can be hard to get back in the swing of things.

The week before thanksgiving I finished my finals for the quarter and I have spent this last week barely thinking about school (except for a couple days at the library). It has been refreshing to have my life back, even if the relief is temporary. What have I been up to?
  • Reading - I read two classic scifi books that JJ recommended. Thanks Bro.
  • Cooking - I have been entranced by The Joy of Cooking. There is an incredible amount of information and really tasty, easy recipes. I used its wisdom to roast carrots and asparagus one day, make Mongolian beef the next, and roast a turkey the next.
  • Studying - Come on, I can't take it too easy.
  • Lazing - It is really weird how different it feels to be so stressed out, and then to have all those stress hormones gone so quickly. It almost makes me wish I were done with school altogether. One day... one day.
It is hard to believe that tomorrow I will be back in classes until February. Unfortunately that is the truth.

Side note: For those who don't already know, this next quarter is understood to be the hardest quarter at our medical school. After a few weeks in December we break for Christmas and new years before coming back. When we get back we are greeted by exams right away. January of first year is known as Black January. From the 8th to the 22nd we have seven exams (seven in ten weekdays - two weeks). February heats up a little with finals (and the pre-finals exams) giving us ten exams in two weeks. I don't think anyone looks forward to that much studying.


Jerilyn said...

"Black January"?- Did you Join Hogwarts?

Brittany Anne said...

Wow. Well I'm glad that you got through your first quarter! Good luck with the hardest one... think, after that, you'll only have about 14 more! :)